Monday, November 23, 2009

Updates and Klaw


Apologies (especially to myself) for not having any updates. It's been a very hectic week at Melchman world. Our first game is already finished! But I can't reveal details about it in the meantime as we are still currently fielding bids from potential sponsors. I know--the suspense, it's killing me!

Anyway, let's continue with the character updates!

I'm really into team dynamics. I'm a fan of Justice League and the X-men. I really like it when team members with different backgrounds, morals, and opinions interact with each other. It brings out the best and worst in them, which later helps solidify their team. This is why I've decided to go with a team story rather than just having a lone wolf character. But if ever I had gone the other way, we would only have this guy.

Today we'll showcase Klaw. He's my Wolverine. I think every team has to have a Wolverine... Cyberforce has Ripclaw, Wild C.A.T.s have Warblade, heck, even Marvel's own Dark Avengers have their own Wolverine. Haha! I was talking about the claws. :-P

But seriously, character-wise it's fun to throw in someone who's against the norms for one reason or another. In a mission, Klaw is someone who gets the job done, no matter what it takes. It makes him look cool to the audience, to the annoyance of his team mates.

Here's a little back story:
Because of his emotional instability, Klaw was already able to manifest his Ultimate Beast form at a very young age. A group of rogue soldiers took notice of Klaw’s raw power and decided kidnap him. This group of ex-Fon and Iru soldiers did not support the wars waged by their respective kingdoms. Instead, they fight against what they believe is the true enemy of Serapi – the Dark Spirits. They use Klaw as their secret weapon; they beat him up or throw him towards the enemy so that he can transform into a beast and turn the tide in their battles.

When Klaw was old enough, he escaped the rogue soldiers and went to Dap for sanctuary. There, he was trained by monks to suppress his emotions and be in command of his beastial form.  Currently, he wears a monk’s cowl as a sign of his allegiance to their order and magical armor that controls his transformations. He is partnered with Leon as guardians of Grael.

That's it for now. Ikuzo!

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